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We weren’t actually going to post anything…

…on the iPhone 4G leak, since the combination of the hundreds of posts and articles online, in the mainstream media, and on The View!, has really drained the life out of this story. However some lively comments, made to each other via email, made me think that it is still our civic duty as a tech and geek news website to say something about the 4G, so here is what we all think:

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Adobe’s Flash: Good, Bad or Just Ugly?

I have a few beefs with Flash… its security sandbox seems more restrictive than helpful. Most Flash vulnerabilities have something to do with null pointer exceptions rather than what programmers write, which one could point at and say “ah HA! Flash is bad!”. But when you think about it, what software doesn’t have security vulnerabilities? I mean, Apple recently dealt with a vulnerability that lets would-be hackers send an SMS that allows them to eaves drop on conversations and make your iPhone part of a botnet. Where was the outrage…

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Apple pushes out Canadian iPad lauch, taking pre-orders May 10. Rogers announces iPad plans

On Wednesday Apple announced that, due to the popularity of the iPad in the US, the planned late April international launch of their latest must have device was going to be delayed until late May. Love it or hate it, the iPad is definitely an important device, that will change how media is consumed, and it will be interesting to see what Canadian content is available at launch next month. Although a Canadian date had not been specifically confirmed all the rumours prior to Wednesday pointed to an April 24th…

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An rgbFilter review: X’s hands-on with the iPad

When I came into the office this morning, the very last thing I expected to see on my desk was a shiny, new, 16gb, Wi-Fi-only iPad. Right about the time I was thinking to myself what I’d done recently to deserve such a gift, the owner came by to pick it up and apologize for cluttering up my work area. Fortunately, I’d had just enough to time to play with it that my reaction was less “Finder’s Keeper’s” and more “meh, whatevs.” In short, after playing with the iPad for…

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Portal 2 becomes a reality, and OSX support is not a lie.

In 2008, on Doug’s suggestion, I picked up a copy of the year-old Orange Box for the 360 on a whim. (Said whim was spurred on by Doug’s claim that if I didn’t buy it, there was something seriously wrong with me.) Turns out, he was right, as Orange Box was my first foray into the world of Valve, and from there, Steam, thanks to the brilliant PC version of Left For Dead. Orange Box spends very little time on my shelf, as I quickly found myself addicted to HL2…

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Apple sues HTC over 20 patents… war is on?

The news broke this morning that Apple is suing smart phone manufacturer HTC, maker of  many popular Google Android and Windows Mobile devices.  In their 700 plus page ITC filing, Apple lists a whole slew of specific HTC devices running both operating systems, including the Nexus One, HD2, Touch Pro, Hero, Touch Diamond, Touch Pro2, Tilt II, and quite a few more. It’s interesting that Apple is going after HTC as opposed to either Google or Microsoft and their operating systems.  There’s precious little, on first blush, in the patent…

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Translating Fraser Speirs on iPad

Giving you the likely thinking behind this post by Fraser Speirs, quoted in its entirety [and translated] below… I’ll have more to say on the iPad later but one can’t help being struck by the volume and vehemence of apparently technologically sophisticated people inveighing against the iPad. [Many who normally love everything Apple and defend their products at length have a serious problem with this product. These traitors must be dealt with.] Some are trying to dismiss these ravings by comparing them to certain comments made after the launch of…

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The iPad: Did Apple jump the shark, or is it a tablet for the masses?

Well, iPad day has come and gone, and with it the dreams of many an Apple fan, if our internal emails here at rgbFilter are any indication. In the weeks leading up to the announcement of the new iPad, there was all kinds of rampant speculation. Will it be iPhone OS, or OS X? How big will it be? Will there be a stylus? Will it magically kill both other ebook readers and netbooks in one fell swoop? If you followed the standard commentary, not just in the tech press,…

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Bing to potentially replace Google as the iPhone’s search engine of choice

According to an article in Business Week, Apple and Microsoft have been making plans to bring The Find Engine to the iPhone, replacing Google as the search engine of choice on the rapidly aging Apple device. This move would exacerbate the already touchy relationship between Apple and Google, and would more distinctly define the two companies as direct competitors to one another in the wake of the release of the Nexus One, Google’s own high-profile smartphone. That said, it is unclear whether the decision to change default search engines is…

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If you smoke your Mac could be a biohazard.

That’s right.  According to a Consumerist story, at least two individuals had their Applecare extended warranties voided because the computers lived in households that had at least one smoker.  The resultant residue inside the machines was enough to have them considered biohazards by Apple.  To be clear, it’s not that the computers were damaged BY the smoke, but the presence of nicotine in the computer itself. Today, April, 28, 2008, the Apple store called and informed me that due to the computer having been used in a house where there…

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Apple’s Anti-Windows 7 Commercial Up The Irony Factor

The day after Windows 7 launches, Apple has fired off the latest salvo of spots starring John Hodgman and Justin Long.  Although one could argue that they wore out their welcome a long time ago, these just plain old stink.  The focus this time round is “hey everyone’s switching to the Mac”, even though according to their own numbers, this is far from true, but then again, the PC/Mac spots were never known for their accuracy.  Then again, very little advertising IS accurate (it’s rare, but it happens). The most…

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