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Michael Biehn Interview at Fan Expo 2011

We caught up with Michael Biehn and his wife Jennifer Blanc at their Fan Expo signing table. We originally expected to only get a couple of minutes with them, but it turned out to be the longest interview of the show.

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Smoke break with Lance Henriksen

Sometimes the best things at a convention are the most random. One of those moments was while Ryan and John were getting ready to go in after picking up their passes. It just so happened that it was the same time Lance Henriksen was out front taking a break from signing copies of his book and doing the convention guest thing.

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Flying saucer on Roswell ranch captures international imagination

It was 63 years ago today, on July 8th 1947, that the Roswell Daily Record ran the headline “RAAF Captures Flying Saucer On Ranch in Roswell Region”, which launched the most well-known UFO ‘cover up’ in modern history.  Subsequently, the crash was attributed to that of a Project Mogul balloon loaded with crash test dummies and designed to detect Soviet atomic test blasts. Of course, one has to wonder why there would be crash test dummies on what’s supposed to be a high altitude, unmanned balloon, but outside of that…

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Aliens vs. Predator demo coming Feb. 4th

The Sega Europe blog has officially announced that a multiplayer demo will be released on Thursday Geb 4th for the upcoming Aliens Vs. Predator game, via Xbox Live, PSN or Steam, depending on your preference.  This AvP is set in the future (roughly around the time of Aliens), and will allow the player to take on the role of Alien, Predator or Colonial Marine, and duke it out in a refinery designed to feature areas that will be more suited for each species.  From Sega… There are numerous vantage points…

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