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8 bit Left 4 Dead. I don’t think Nintendo would have released this…

This, believe it or not, is a real game, coming from EricRuthGames early next year.

The flagship title of the PixelForce NES de-makes is Valve’s Left 4 Dead.

This game play footage gives you an idea of what the project looks like in action and how it plays. As you can see, it’s a standard top-down 4 directional action/shooter. Remade in the NES retro style, the resolution is at 256 x 240 and features 16 colors and a 4 sound channel soundtrack.

Now, let’s just get this out of the way….

Q: Is this just an animation or an actual game?
A: An actual game. It will be available for free download on PC around January 4th, 2010.

Q: I only see one “special infected.” Will there be more?
A: Yes. All 5 special infected appear in this game regularly.

Q: How far along are you currently?
A: As of November 15th, I am completed with the first “mission: No Mercy” as well as most of the core game play mechanics.

Valve apparently love this !

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