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Bell also magically makes the SAF dissappear


With the consumer backlash against made up wireless fees growing, Bell is rumoured to be to joining Rogers and Telus, and getting rid of the hated $6.95 ‘System Access Fee’.

According to an internal document, leaked on The Mobile Ninjas here, on Nov 20th Bell “will no longer be charging” the SAF

Effective November 20th, 2009 Bell Mobility will be launching new pricing for all existing post-paid plans & will no longer be charging the $6.95 system access fee. Review the job aid for more details.

However just like Telus and Rogers, the removal of the SAF probably means that the base plan costs will be increased, probably with a freebee such as voicemail, or caller ID, thrown in to make it look like better value. Hopefully, unlike Rogers, Bell won’t tack on some other made up fee (Rogers GRRF, I’m looking at you). It would be refreshing if Bell decides to remove the SAF and keep their rates the same, but that is highly unlikely. Funnily enough Bell offered plans with the SAF rolled into the price about 6 years ago (something I mentioned when Telus announced their ‘Clear Choice’ Plans), then when it seemed like it made the rates look too high on paper compared to the competition, they separated it out.

So after November 20th, with the Big 3 (and their sub-brands) no longer charging it, the controversial SAF will be gone. But in reality the price that Canadian wireless consumers pay will not change, and with recent Data rate increases it will probably increase, and who knows, as soon as the SAF is forgotten, in a couple of years, perhaps they will again lower their base plan costs and tack on another convenience charge.

It is now all left to Wind Mobile to get approval to launch, and on top of that be successful, to drive the cost of Canadian Wireless down.

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