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The Beatles: Rock Band opening cinematic is a trip, daddio.

There’s no way around it; Rock Band’s cool. Getting together with some friends on a random evening and banging away on our toy plastic instruments is a pleasure that transcends guilty. But beyond an awesome gaming experience, one thing Rock Band has always done well is the opening cinematic, and it seems The Beatles: Rock Band is not only carrying on that tradition, but taking it to a whole new level. Check the video above to see what I mean, or see the original here.

I have only 2 questions for you:

1) Is that not the coolest opening animation for a video game you’ve seen in a REALLY long time?

2) Does it kinda feel like they’re channeling the Monkees more than the Beatles?


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2 thoughts on “The Beatles: Rock Band opening cinematic is a trip, daddio.

  1. Forget Beatles Rockband, I wanna game in that Daliesque world at the end of the trailer. 🙂

  2. sidewalksg

    1) Yes indeed, daddy-o!

    2) Not The Monkees — A Hard Day’s Night

    And I totally agree with Doug. I don’t even care about the story, side quests, or hours of challenging gameplay. A game centred entirely around trying to balance your character on the back of a giant blue elephant? I whole-heartedly cry out, “YES! It’s about freakin’ time!”

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