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Talking Rock Band 3 at the PS3 Holiday Event

MTV Games and Harmonix were showing off Rock Band 3 at the recent PS3 Holiday Event held at the Sony Centre for the Performing Arts, and we talked with Cam Curran of MTV Games to find out what we could expect from the game when it’s released Oct 26th.

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At X’10 – Rock Band 3, keyboard and up to seven players

The keyboard isn’t the only thing new about the latest iteration of Rock Band, as it also rolls in the harmonies introduced with the Beatles version.  At Microsoft’s X’10, we had a chance to talk with Marc Nesbitt, Senior Producer of MTV Games about some of the features and philosophy in bringing Rock Band 3 to market. Harmonix also found a way around the 4 player maximum on the console.  By enabling an “All Instruments Mode”, up to 7 people can play at once (4 instruments, up to 3 singers). …

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Rock Band 3: Rock Out with your Natural Talent Out

Remember when Rock Band first arrived on the scene? It, along with the venerable classic Guitar Hero, proved that it is possible to get up off the couch and interact with a game in a way that no Wiimote could ever hope to deliver. And the world lost its friggin’ mind. Suddenly people who had no interest in gaming had a way to channel their inner rock star without feeling like some pimply-faced teen or the pressure to be Teh Pwnerer; it was just a fun piece of kit that…

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Rock Band 3 brings keytar and ‘Pro’ mode

A week before E3, it looks like it’s official. Rock Band 3 will be bringing both the keytar and a Pro mode, courtesy of a story on USA Today. Though the new keytar is being called a piano peripheral, when you have a 2 octave keyboard, with a handle so that you can play it standing up, it’s a keytar, and don’t let anyone tell you different!  Seeing the play mechanic in action is actually quite interesting, as once you start playing at the Hard setting, you’re basically playing the…

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Rock Band 3 brings keytar, 80’s cheese to the mix

Green Day fans who downloaded the 2 song demo of Green Day: Rock Band got the first nugget of a hint that keyboards keytars would be coming to Rock Band 3. At the end of the demo, the RB3 image splashed onscreen, that included the four classic instruments as well as an icon for keyboard. The microphone icon was also changed to show three mics, which suggests that Harmonix is going to be bringing, er, harmonics, to the third installment of the rhythm game, though that’s less of surprise since…

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