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The PS3’s Number One Flaw Fixed, Sold Out

It would have been cheap as sin to include an infrared sensor in the PS3, but Sony opted not to include it. Until now, PS3 owners have had to control their Blu Ray movie playback using the game controller, even if the rest of their home theatre setup was being managed by a remote that cost more than the PS3 itself.

The other option was to add dongles, or buy the PS3 specific Bluetooth remote control, both pretty inelegant solutions, and still meant you had to get up off the couch to turn the thing on. has changed that by introducing an IR to BT converter, which apparently capable of sending all control functions including turning the device on and off. Although they’re available now, IR2BT has already sold out of the first 200 units.

I imagine the demand for this is going to be huge.

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2 thoughts on “The PS3’s Number One Flaw Fixed, Sold Out

  1. Good because I’m becoming increasingly certain that at some time between now and its obsolescence, I will be getting a PS3. It’s in the cards, Doug!

    Or an xbox. Or a ps3. Or an xbox.

  2. I don’t think you could go wrong with either console, but the fact that Sony felt that leaving IR out of a device that they were pimping as a next gen media player just goes to show that they REALLY don’t like their customers.

    Not that Microsoft is a saint, but seriously that was probably the stupidest decision since they put root kits on their audio CDs.

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