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Batman: Arkham Asylum drops today. And you can afford it.


There have been myriad Batman games over the years, but none of them have really quite gotten it right, and some were downright terrible (I’m looking at you, Batman Begins.) But the newest offering from Eidos, “Arkham Asylum”, has been making the review rounds for a little while now, and the feedback has been hugely favourable. Finally, after months of downloading gaming videos and waiting in line at FutureShop to get your hands on the in-store demo, the game drops today, and for a special price of less than $40 at Best Buy, Futureshop, EB Games and Wal-Mart…and pretty much everywhere else.

Will B:AA perform some much-needed CPR on this video game franchise, or is this another example of a mediocre game made mildly interesting by the inclusion of a dude dressed like a flying rat? You’ll have to pick up your own copy to find out. But act fast; the $40 offer expires on Thursday, August 27.


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2 thoughts on “Batman: Arkham Asylum drops today. And you can afford it.

  1. Johnathan Leger

    Picked up a copy now the day has slowed down to a crawl

    stupid tuesdays

  2. heheh, I won;t have time to even LOOK at my XBOX until next Tuesday at the earliest. Poo.

    That said

    I’m somewhat nonplussed by the gameplay vids, regardless of what GT says. I feel like it looks dated, and some of the bossfights look to much like old Konami for my tastes.

    Of course I have yet to play it, so we’ll see.

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