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Star Trek movie site gets updated. Still no trailer. I blame Khan.

J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek is coming, at impulse speed, to theatres next May, having dropped out of warp and therefore no longer able to make its Christmas 08 release date. The teaser’s been out for a while, and if you saw Cloverfield (and weren’t one of those people who likes to arrive late and trip over everyone’s feet as you mutter loudly through the previews that you hate it when you can’t find a good seat), then you’ve seen it. You also know it’s a pretty cool teaser (though admittedly, not nearly as cool as this one.)

You’ll also know it’s a TOS movie, so this will be a great chance for yet another generation to get acquainted with our old friends Kirk, Scotty, Spock & McCoy, and all the green women they love to love.

Recently, the site has been updated with some new content, including forums and a download section. You can now download wallpapers for your desktop featuring your first look at some of the cast members. For those not in the know, the cast is full of unknown-and-not-so-well-known actors from various movie and TV projects. You can check them out here, but the standouts for me are Heroes’ “Sylar”, Zachary Quinto, as Spock, and one of my personal faves, Mr. “Shaun of the Dead” himself, Simon Pegg, as Scotty.

Whether Pegg will portray the Enterprise’s chief engineer with the same scene-stealing campiness that the late James Doohan did is something we’re gonna all have to wait and see about…I personally doubt it, as his performances in Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz show that he can easily portray the panicky “everything’s going to Hell in a handcart” guy with humour, grace and aplomb, so I call him a good score 🙂

As far as Quinto goes…can he go from playing Sylar, the emotionless anti-hero who hunts down super-people to steal their brains, to Spock, the emotionless hero-in-waiting who boldly goes and clouds peoples’ brains with flawless logic? Probably, but the dude looks so eerily like the Spock of the 60s that he could probably get away with just reading his lines from the script while sitting on a milk crate in the corner and people will buy it.

Star Trek (The Movie? XI? Year One?) will be beaming into theatres on May 8, 2009. Unless you’re the only ship in the quadrant, be prepared to share a theatre teeming with red, green and blue shirts. Keep checking the RGB forums for more info, and to see how many Star Trek puns it takes before Doug sees to it that I neither live long, nor prosper.

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