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HD Video Bitrate Standards – Clearing up the Confusion

While reading about the new Nikon D7000 and its initially unimpressive sounding HD video modes, I’ve come across a lot of opinions by many people who are disappointed about it’s possible 19.3 Mbps (Megabits per second) data rate. This includes many indie filmmakers thinking that rate may be too low for their purposes, myself included.  We’ve all heard much about what are the good bitrates to look out for are, which ones are broadcast ready, which ones are crap and so on.  Well, I stopped and asked myself, “Wait-a-minute, just…

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DSLR talk back from RED founder Jim Jannard

Just last week, I was having a discussion with with a co-worker about video recording on the new breed of DSLRs, and mentioned that if RED doesn’t get it’s butt in gear, they could very well concede the prosumer market to the likes of Canon and Nikon.  As more pro filmmakers start putting the DSLRs through stress tests, they’ve finding time and again that the results are much better than initially expected. It’s not surprising that a similar discussion has been going on in the reduser forums, in which RED…

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Panasonic GH1 HD-DSLR hacked into awesomeness?

This bit of news via DP (director of photography) and filmmaker Philip Bloom’s website is pretty impressive!  With all the fanfare the Canon HD-DSLRs have been getting lately about their astounding HD video capabilities, it’s left other less capable HD-DSLRs out in the cold.  Such is the case for Panasonic’s Micro Four-Thirds HD-DSLR, the GH1.  Although a solid still camera, with some great Lumix lenses available for it – even the mighty Leica makes lenses for the Micro Four-Thirds format – it just doesn’t have the chops for HD video. …

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