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iPhone 3G S launch in Toronto, on June 19th 2009

Last Friday we went to the iPhone 3G S launch event at the Toronto Eaton Centre Apple Store…this post is a little tardy, but better late than never!

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2 thoughts on “iPhone 3G S launch in Toronto, on June 19th 2009

  1. Ha! Like the musical choices! BTW, I’m guessing the 1 million sold number includes people who had their new phones shipped to them.

  2. FYI probably after this article was published Apple changed the name from 3G S to 3GS (no space) which sound trivial and ridiculous until you realise that this tiny space renders the “3G S” basically invisible to Google which treats spaces as an ‘OR’ – i.e. the search will include anything containing a ‘3G’ or an “S” – not too useful. 3GS is a much better product designation for the modern era. In fact spaces in general are going to be going out of fashion in new proper names.

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