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Palm Pre has 30 lives


Earlier today is was reported that the Palm Pre’s WebOS Root image was leaked out, enabling developers (read: hackers) to dig into the guts of the device and see what makes WebOS tick. But what if you want to enable Developer mode on the Pre the legit way?

Turns out there’s a simple way to do that, too, and if you owned a Nintendo NES or are a fan of Konami’s 1987 classic CONTRA, you already know what it is. Apparently, simply typing “upupdowndownleftrightleftrightBAstart” from the launch screen will give you immediate access to Developer mode and allow you to connect to Palm’s MoJo SDK for WebOS.

Engadget has a video of the code in action. We don’t, so instead, please enjoy this absolutely awful Konami Code “Paper Planes” parody by Black Nerd that I find funnier than it actually is.


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One thought on “Palm Pre has 30 lives

  1. Looks like there’ll be a lot of hacking of the Pre in the next few weeks. Since we have to wait a few months before it hits the GWN, it’ll be interesting to see what comes out of it (will make the decision to switch or not easier too).

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