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More WATCHMEN eye candy from ComicCon

Watchmen action figures

Our friends over at SuperHeroHype have posted the high-rez images of the Watchmen posters that were unveiled at ComicCon San Diego last week.

Normally I’m no fan of showing too much of a hyped movie, especially one as touchy as Watchmen, because it only serves to build things up in one’s mind and leads to greater disappointment when things don’t pan out as one expects.  If it were up to me, my entire marketing campaign would cost 50 bucks…and would consist of nothing more than a couple quick glimpses of the characters and a clock ticking down to midnight.  (Although the Watchmen Journals were extremely cool and reassuring.)

But it’s not up to me, and they’re already out in the wild, and at the end of the day, I’m as guilty of seeking out info on a big movie as the next guy.  So what the hell.  For those who haven’t seen it yet, I give you the Watchmen Movie Poster Series: 


Heh, just kidding 🙂  They’re right here.

Be sure to check out the Watchmen Comic Movie site for the latest updates and production journals.   

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2 thoughts on “More WATCHMEN eye candy from ComicCon

  1. I can’t seem to get around some of those casting choices, especially Dan Dreiberg not being portrayed as a more schlub like character who can barely fit in his costume.

  2. 100% agreed re. Drieberg. He’s way less Ralph Fiennes and way more Philip Seymour Hoffman 🙂

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