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Singularity: Equilibrium

Spoiler warning:This post reveals substantial portions of the plot, including the ending. In the wake of nearly every popular cultural phenomenon arrives a flood of imitators. Their reasons for existing aren’t always obvious, however; some imitators are obvious cash-ins, yes, and others are little more than tributes to the original. But some retreads have higher aspirations—inspired by, but not direct copies of. Maybe it’s an attempt to tell the same basic story in a different way, or tweak parts of the formula to make it more appealing to a certain…

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Arts Computing Science 

I Have Seen the Future and It is Shared.

Does science fiction have a future? It’s past as a genre of pulp fiction that came up with the twentieth century leaves it in a precarious position at the beginning of the twenty-first. Once, like the buffalo, it roamed across the wide open spaces of the news stands and now only a handful of those magazines still exist and it’s been a long  time since  the days when a single short story sale could secure two month’s rent in Greenwich Village. There are novels, truck loads of novels as the…

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