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Astroturf Bill C-32 groups started by CRIA

There are a number of citizen’s groups that have formed around the new Canadian copyright bill C-32, nicknamed the DMCA for Canada. Most of these groups are real people concerned about changes to Canadian copyright policies in the digital age. Now, via Michael Geist, comes the story of Balanced Copyright for Canada, a group preteneding to be ordinary citizens, but apparently created by the CRIA (Canadian Record Industry Association don’t you know). They’re making use of the same social media tools that grassroots organizations on either side of the argument…

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Canadian Copyright Reform… uhm… stuff

The above clip from This Hour Has 22 Minutes (from Oct 20, 2009) is a great bit about the fears of new technologies and their impact on the recording and television industry.  Of course, the fears of new technology destroying the living of artists stretches all the way back to the player piano.  Somehow we’ve managed to survive this far… In other news, the Globe and Mail today has an interesting article about how Canadians are being left out in the cold (no ‘snow’ wisecracks please) when it comes to…

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