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A Brief History of the Modern Pixel, 8-bit Heroes, and more…

Simon Cottee, animator of the pixel art cartoon Rule (created in Sleep is Death, see it after the jump) has put together this short documentary on pixel art, where he talks to SiD creator Jason Rohrer, chiptune musician Dot.AY, and Studio Joho, creators of the Dan the Man video (also after the jump) Ars Technica also recently posted a great pixel art article, 8-bit heroes: Ars explores the resurgence of pixel art. They talked to some of the field’s best artists and developers, such as Gary J. Lucken (Army of…

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Video games can’t be art? Why Ebert is wrong and should gamers care?

Back in 2005, famed film critic Roger Ebert posited that ‘video games can be elegant, subtle, sophisticated, challenging and visually wonderful”, but “the nature of the medium prevents it from moving beyond craftsmanship to the stature of art’, or, as many online at the time boiled it down, ‘Roger Ebert hates video games’.  Numerous video game fans replied to that column, and to this day I’ve seen references to his ‘hatred’ crop up from time to time.  This is usually when he pans a movie that a gamer liked, with…

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