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Too Good to be True or too True to be Good? Brainwave computing

Courtesy of TED, Tan Le demonstrates her take on the old Mind/Machine Interface trope. The Emotiv Systems’ EPOC headset uses 16 sensors to scan the brain and some very fancy algorithms to identify neural activity and translate this into control signals.

Here are ten questions to keep in mind to the degree that the mind can keep anything.

1. Funny how this one seems to be as advanced as it is when speech recognition is still pretty clumsy. Will we jump into full mind/machine connectivity and bypass language altogether? (Just kidding.)
2. Where can I get one?
3. Resistance. Is it futile or just measured in Ohms?
4. Can it type?
5. Where’s the MIDI socket?
6. Why does it look like you’d think it would? Which sci-fi movie with a similar device looks like the EPOC headset?
7. Does it work better if you shave your head?
8. If you fall asleep while using it are you torn limb from limb and/or smeared from one bulkhead to the other by monsters from the Id?
9. Can it be interfaced with  a Roomba and used to chase cats?
10. It’s the accent, right? That’s the part that always gets me…previously I would have left it at say, a pretty East Indian woman with East End London accent as the apex of this sort of thing. Ms. Le has definitely upped the game. She’s Vietnamese by birth but was raised in Australia. I realise that this should not figure my appreciation of her presentation but it does. Should I feel guilty? Do you?

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One thought on “Too Good to be True or too True to be Good? Brainwave computing

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Doug Groves, rgbfilter. rgbfilter said: Too Good to be True or too True to be Good? Brainwave computing: Courtesy of TED, Tan Le demonstrates her take on … […]

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