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Toshiba mini museum of portable computing

At the Primer Party for NXNEi, we got more than a hands on with Toshiba’s Satellite A660-042 3D laptop.  There was a mini Toshiba portable computing museum lined up against the wall, though it’s amazing how 20 years or so has really redefined the meaning of ‘portable’.

Unfortunately, none of the pieces were powered up, we did have an opportunity to lift some of these beasts, including the Toshiba T5200C, the first 16 colour portable computer which back in it’s day was $17,000 and 18.7 lbs.  Also on hand was their 1993 tablet PC, the Dynapad, which ran Windows 3.1 and came with a pen handled both mouse functionality and handwriting recognition.  All that greyscale glory could be yours for only $8000.

We managed to snap pictures of a number of them, as well as grab a snapshot of the official drink of the Primer Party, conveniently called the Primer, all of which you can catch after the break.

For a complete write up of all these classic machines, Toshiba has a handy page on their website for you to check out. [WARNING: PDF LINK]

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