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Homefront: Thanks for playing our demo

Spoiler warning: Plot spoilers for Homefront. All four hours of it. Though I would love to expect a higher level of emotional engagement with my video games, when it comes to military-style first-person shooters, I don’t ask for much—probably because they almost always fail to deliver. You run through a bunch of corridors, shoot a bunch of dudes, pick up some new guns with one of seventeen different scopes, hit a slow-motion sequence, feel like a bad-ass. I’ve just distilled the essence of every modern Call of Duty game into…

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Killzone 3: The Glorious Fruits of Our Land

The standard review approach for Killzone 2, Guerilla Games’ showcase PS3-exclusive first-person shooter, focused on judging its merits in comparison to landmark Xbox 360 shooters like Call of Duty and Halo. The latter comparison was especially enticing—clash of the console-exclusive titans! Take that approach to its logical conclusion and you end up with the majority opinion about the game: graphically impressive and plenty of fun, but occasionally marred by poor design decisions…

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Mirrors Edge: Still Alive

Spoiler warning: Minor scenario/level spoilers for Mirror’s Edge. Very little in the way of story spoilers, partially because there’s very little in the way of story. Three days or two years: depending on how you look at it, that’s how long it took me to finish Mirror’s Edge. Though I’d managed to play up to Chapter 7 on the PS3, I didn’t really feel qualified to say whether the game had fulfilled its vision or not; some would argue that I’m still not qualified, given that I haven’t even tried…

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Gran Turismo 5: Driving Force

Spoiler warning: Some cars in Gran Turismo 5 may come fitted with spoilers. You can also fit spoilers to pretty much any car in the Maintenance section. I’ve played every major version of Gran Turismo to date, including Gran Turismo 5 Prologue and Gran Turismo for PSP (but not for very long). Every time, it’s roughly the same story: I enter GT Mode, start completing license tests, buy my first car, and slowly work my way up to the pro leagues until finally, somewhere before I’ve completed every race series,…

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