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On Facebook Yoda Can Not Be – For Some

From the “Stupid Copyright Nonsense” Department:

Japanese author and translator Hiroko Yoda has been having problems setting up a Facebook account, as her last name is the same as a director George Lucas met in Tokyo a long time ago (but in this galaxy), which inspired the name of the worlds favourite little green Jedi master.  Yoda is a fairly common Japanese last name, and after contacting Facebook about the problem, they had this to say in reply:

Facebook blocks the registration of a number of names that are frequently abused on the site. The name “Yoda,” also being the name of a popular Star Wars character, is on this list of blocked names. I apologize again for the inconvenience. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.

What’s odd though is that there are a number of people with Yoda in their name on Facebook if one does a quick search, which makes Facebook’s response curious.

This isn’t the first (and probably won’t be the last) time that someone with a name similar to a copyrighted – trademarked – all rights reserved up the wazoo product has encountered problems in the online world.  Anyone remember the era of ridiculous domain name battles making the news?  My fave being the Material Girl and a hospital battling over former porn domain, leading the oh so humble actress to complain to the United Nations.

In Ms. Yoda’s case, I recommend that she start a Fan page at Facebook.  Apparently one can be a fan of DJ Yoda with no problems.

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3 thoughts on “On Facebook Yoda Can Not Be – For Some

  1. It is as if the Pharaohs are returned to stand astride the planet, for no one shall have the name of Tut throughout the land, and where it is found, it shall be stricken from the stone that carries it.

  2. ^^^most eloquent comment, ever.

  3. Thanks, I plan to use it, elsewhere. This is the perfect article. *screengrab*. 87

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